Join me as I share my passion for shooting and over 15 years experience as a Professional Shooter, Instructor, US Army Green Beret and USPSA Grandmaster. Proctor Performance Pistol offers my thoughts on training and gear to help you put bullets on target Fast Accurate Easy in Combat or Competition.
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Best 'bang' 4 your buck
For the cost, you're getting a lot of helpful information. The hand grip segment was very helpful (viewed the video 3 times). I did a lot of dry firing using this grip. I went to the range and shot very, very well. I will continue viewing it because you can always pick up something that you missed before. You can't go wrong on purchasing this. I plan on getting the carbine video in the future.
Performance pistol
This video is put together very well. Franks methods to shooting are easy to follow and make so much sense. Can't wait to take one of his live classes.
Excellent camera work as well as instruction
I received my DVD last week and have watched it 3 times. The camera work is excellent through out. Frank's way on instruction is great as he's just a regular guy helping folks learn to shoot. He doesn't have to be loud and demonstrative to get his lesson across, he speaks like it's a bunch of buddies on the range, shooting. Now I know he's a Green Beret and a master shooter but I don't get the feeling that he has to stand on that to get his point or lesson across to people.
Tons of excellent info!
SMG and did an excellent job with the cinematography, there's nothing overly fancy plus it's straight to the point. And Frank does an excellent job with easy to follow explanations and demonstrations. This DVD serves as the proverbial "tip of the iceberg" if you haven't been to a WOTG course and if you have it's a great supplement for training, I watch it least 3 times a month.